Advance Traders has initiated a voluntary recall of all MERIDA Speeder 20 Disc model bicycles delivered between August 2016 and February 2017. The recall has been initiated after it was discovered that the mandatory safety tabs on the fork dropouts were not sufficient to hold the wheel in place if the quick release is opened (as shown in the picture below). Such an incident can cause accidents with serious injuries or even death resulting if the defect occurs while the bike is in use.
To date, there has been a small number of bikes found to be affected in the Australian market, and the recall has been initiated by MERIDA and Advance Traders as a precautionary measure.
All stock of MY2017 Speeder 20 Disc bicycles must be immediately removed from saleable stock until they have been tested. The official test (as per AS/NZS 1927:2010 Pedal bicycles - Safety requirements, pg30, Appendix C, Front Hub Retention Test) is as follows:
Where the fork tabs fail to hold the front wheel in place (as per the test above), the bicycle will need to be set aside until the newly supplied forks have been retro-fitted. Advance Traders will provide newly supplied forks for replacement free of charge. Moreover, MERIDA will provide the matching lower head-set cones and A head-set star-nuts for simplified replacement procedure. The forks will be colour matched.
As a distributor of the affected bicycles, you are also potentially liable under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) if an injury occurs as a result of the defect. Accordingly, your co-operation in the voluntary recall process is appreciated.
To assist in the recall, Advance Traders asks that you contact all customers that have purchased one of the affected bicycles and advise them to cease use immediately and to return the product to your store to inspect the fork dropouts and if necessary have a replacement fork fitted free of charge. However, please be aware that affected customers may have a right under the Australian Consumer Law to return the product and receive a refund of the original purchase price, rather than having a replacement part fitted.
Advance Traders have also published a recall notice on the MERIDA website to notify affected customers.
» Click here for a copy of the recall notice for your information
Advance Traders also asks that you place a copy of the recall notice on your website and in store to ensure that as many customers as possible are made aware of the recall. Details of the product recall (including a copy of the recall notice or a link to a webpage where the recall notice can be viewed) may also be published on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter, where available.
Advance Traders has informed all relevant agencies of the recall, including the ACCC. To assist Advance Traders in meeting ACCC reporting guidelines, we ask that you submit the following information on our webshop in respect of each affected bicycle currently held in stock by your store or returned to your store by a customer:
A replacement set of colour matched and size specific forks will then be issued free of charge as soon as they are available.
We also ask that you provide Advance Traders with details of:
Yours sincerely
Christopher Fraser